Deleted Blogroll
So sadly enough, I somehow deleted my blogroll by accident (I'm such a klutz!). If you were on there or would like to be, please leave me a comment! Thanks!
Sasa Haul
I got two Papier Poudre Oil Sheets. They are made in Great Britain and had great reviews. And on top of that they only 80 cents each!
Next up, I needed a new toner. There were a bunch of brands I had never heard of so I decided to go with something familar: Shiseido deLuxe Moisturizing toner. I haven't tried it yet but it smells great. Price: $7.50
Lastly, I need something to past the $20 mark so I could use the paypal coupon so I got a set of the Eyebrow Razor by Cosme. I had seen a few gurus on youtube use it. I tried it and its great for trimming down your eyebrows a little. And it isn't weird or scary at all to put a razor that close to your eye.
Sasa also had a another promotion going on: Free shipping for those who pay with paypal and a free cookie compact mirrow. So after all the promotions, I ended up getting all these for less than a $1. Needless to say, I'm a happy girl!
88 Piece Warm Shadow Eye Palette

I had been eying a similar palette on Coastal Scents for some time now. I was Ebay browsing one day and found this. I couldn't resist and finally caved. It looks very similar to the Coastal Scents palette (I suspect it might be the same thing!). Tried a couple colors today and the payoff is great! (Definitely use with a primer though). It is selling on Ebay for $9.99 plus $8.98 for shipping (it ships from Asia so shipping will take awhile). At around 19 bucks, it is at least $6 cheaper than the Coastal Scents palette. Going to go and play around with it, more reviews to come!
P.S. I'm shopping around for a new camera, any suggestions?
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