Here's to another week of great shopping!
Steal Alert: Kat Von D Eyeshadow Palettes @ Sephora
Here's to another week of great shopping!
Review: Everyday Minerals Brushes
FYI...all purchased by me!
Clarisea Giveaway Winner!
Last weekend of the summer, enjoy it! Have a happy Labor day weekend!
-Little Miss Savvy
Affordable Bags for Back To School
(from left to right)
ASOS, Pieces Diana Shop Bag, $53.92
Forever 21, Twist of Fate Bag, $28.80
Harajuku Lovers, Pastel Girls Candy Bar Tote, $88.00
PacSun, Kirra Vidette Bag, $32.50
ModCloth, Get a Handle Shoulder Bag, $44.99
Urban Outfitters, Kimchi Blue Canvas Backpack, $68.00
P.S. Clarisea winner to be announced this week...thanks for participating!
Review: Clarisea + Giveaway

" The sodium chloride fights bacteria on the surface of skin while deeply exfoliating pores so existing blemishes heal more quickly and emerging breakouts are brought to the surface and flushed out....Different types of sea salts contain different percentages of sea minerals. The mineral content in most salts, including dead sea salt, is too dense and potent for sensitive facial skin. Clarisea's blend is different. It is specially formulated with a clarifying balance of ocean and mineral sea salt that leaves skin looking as clear and healthy as it does after a dip in the ocean. An optimal amount of sodium chloride deeply exfoliates pores and eliminates bacteria without stripping skin of its natural moisture while potassium, magnesium and calcium work to tone, soften and smooth out skin without causing redness or irritation. "
How to Treat Your Sunburnt Skin
As for the CSN Stores and Skin Care Rx Giveaways, I just want to quickly thank those who have participated....Congrats to the winners, Colleen and Victoria!
Now onto my thought of the day, after spending a considerable amount of time out in the sun these past couple of months, I've encountered a sunburn or two. Spending a few hours outdoors may be fun, but that can equate to days of misery if I forget the sunblock- especially since I have fair, sensitive skin. So I did my digging online and I found a few helpful tips to treat your burns (courtesy of Wikihow):
- Use the succulent aloe vera plant. Cut it down the length of the leaf and open it, revealing the inner portion of it. Rub the clear gelatinous part, over the burned area. Repeat as often as you like.
- Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing that will not irritate the affected areas.
- Noxema facial cleanser, sold in blue tubs, is extremely effective at removing the heat and the sting from a bad sunburn. Rub as much as possible onto the burned skin. Do not wash off; allow to soak in. Reapply as often as possible.
- Use a cool, damp cloth with skim milk and rest it on the spots where you are burned. The coolness takes out the initial fire, and the milk creates a protein film that helps ease the ensuing discomfort.
- You can also try taking a bath with green tea. The tannin in the tea draws out some of the pain and can soothe the redness.
- Hyrdrate your body!....Drink water, juices, etc.
- Above all, the next time you are in the sun, Wear sunscreen!
Giveaway: $50 Gift Card to SkinCareRx!
Hey guys, I'm very excited to bring you all this next giveaway. The lovely people over at
Since June is skin cancer awareness month, we should all remember how important it is to wear SPF. While we all love to have fun in the sun, especially in the coming months, protecting our skin from harmful rays is crucial. Thats why I'd like to spotlight the La Roche-Posay Anthelios
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios 15 Sunscreen (water resistant) retains its SPF level after 40 minutes of water activity.
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios SX 15 Moisturizing Cream keeps dry skin types hydrated and soft as it protects against damage
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Ultra-Light Sunscreen Fluid provides the highest level of SPF protection in a non-greasy formula perfect for those with oily skin.
Now, on the giveaway... here's how to enter:
1) You must be a follower of Little Miss Savvy (Link on the right sidebar)
2) You will receive one or more entries for each of the following:
- Becoming a fan of SkinCareRx on FaceBook (1 entry)
- Following @SkinCareRx1 and @LittleMissSavvy on Twitter (1 entry)
- Retweet our tweet about your giveawaycontest (must @reply your tweet to @littlemisssavvy and @skincarerx1) (2 entries)
- Opting-in for the SkinCareRx Newsletter (found at the bottom of the's website) (3 entries)
- Writing blog post in your own blog (10 entries)- Since it's Skincare awareness month, write your post on La Roche-Posay Anthelios. Topics include but are not limited to: the brand itself (La Roche-Posay Anthelios) and the importance of sunscreen and link back to SkinCareRx website, if you have used the product you can write about your experience and link back to SkinCareRx website, if you or someone you know have been diagnosed with skin cancer you can write about your experience and the importance of sunscreen and link back to SkinCareRx website (100 words)
3) Leave ONE comment in this post and let me know every entry that you made (For instance, if you tweeted, became a fan, and wrote a post on your blog, let me know in one comment). Include links to everything, if applicable (such as tweeting and writing a blog post). Also include your first name and email address.
Thanks everyone for entering and good luck!
Trend: Turquoise Jewelry
Turquoise Delight Necklace, $27.00

SF Ocean Beach Bobby Pins Set, $14.00
Blue Bead Brass Bracelet, $7.99
Review: ELF Nail Polishes
(+) Pros
- Cheap
- Nice bottle?
- Watery Consistency
- Takes too much effort
$295 for a Cotton Bag!?!
Wow, what a disappointment. $295 for a cotton bag?!?! I was hoping for a lower end leather bag, but instead found something that looked like it was made out of a tablecloth. Yes, the bag features the classic Prada logo, but would I fork over $300 just for that? Of course not. I'd rather take my $300 and spend it on something I could take somewhere other than the beach. Guess me and Prada will just have to wait, maybe it wasn't meant to be...
What are your thoughts? Would you spend $295 for this new Prada bag?
New Little Miss Savvy!
*UPDATE*: New layout is here! I will still be tweaking a few things here and there so some things might change but this is the gist of it. What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Liked the old one better? Let me know!
P.S. We're now on twitter! Follow me @littlemisssavvy!
Same Look, Pay Less: Jimmy Choo Hunter Rain Boots

U.O. is currently offering free shipping with any $75 purchase with the code SUMMERFOREVER. Also, check out the sale section, more great things to be found!

- Follow my blog (link located in the right sidebar)
- Leave a comment with your name and email address (please make sure you are logged in and use the same email as the one you used to follow this blog). And voila, you're entered!
- For one additional entry, you can post this on your blog or twitter (Include the link to the post with your name and email in a separate comment)
To learn more about CSN Stores, visit their website at
Same Look, Pay Less: Deena & Ozzy Chain Tote

Stila It Girl Trio Palette $10 @ Sephora!
SKIN MD NATURAL 4th of July Backyard BBQ Giveaway!
So in the past, I've wrote about Skin MD Natural and their shielding lotion (which is really great btw, check out my post here!). I was contacted again by the folks over there and they let me know about a giveaway they are hosting called the "4th of July Backyard BBQ Giveaway". The prize is pictured to the left and valued at over $300! Great items for backyard BBQ-ing fun and keeping your skin nice as well. For more info or to enter, click here. Also, they are offering 20% off during the month of June to get us ready for summer (use the code SUMMER10 at
PS. Congrats to Cindy Z., winner of the Missiko Flat Iron Giveaway. Enjoy it!
Happy Memorial Day!

I spent my day at the beach, which was packed. Seems like the rest of New York was there too. But the weather was perfect and I even got a nice, little tan.
Also...great (unrealted) news, I passed 100 followers this weekend! Thanks for everyone who has read and supported my blog these past couple years. I realllly appreciate it and there will be a lot more from me coming your way!
Lastly, thanks to everyone who entered my Missiko Flat Iron giveaway. It will take me a little while to organize all the entries but I will try to have a winner picked and notified ASAP.
Now, back to work and school for us all Have a great week everyone!
Review: NYX Rouge Cream Blush in Natural
(+) Pros:
- Beautiful color!
- Cheap- about $6
- Natural looking finish
- Creamy so it can be used on lips too
- Might be a bit too creamy- easy to apply too much
40 Beauty Questions!
-How many times do you wash your face daily? Twice, morning and night
-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo) Dry
-What is your current facial wash? St. Ives Green Tea Cleanser
-Do you exfoliate? Yes, about 2 times a week
-What brand do you use? St. Ives Apricot Scrub…a bit harsh for some but I love it
-What moisturizer do you use? LUSH Celestial
-Do you have freckles? Nope
-Do you use eye cream? No, but I should
-Do you or did you have acne prone skin? Nope
-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ? No
-What foundation do you use? Youngblood Mineral Foundation
-How about concealer? ELF
-Do you know your undertone color? Yellow
-What do you think of fake eyelashes? Great for dramatic effect
-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months? Yes I do but I always have a hard time throwing out my makeup
-What brand of mascara do you use? Maybelline
-Sephora or MAC? Sephora
-Do you have a MAC Pro-card? No
-What makeup tools do you use in make up application? Brushes, sponges, my fingers?
-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes? Yes
-For the face? Sometimes
-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)? MAC Satin Taupe (or anything similar)
-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? Cream
-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil? Not often since I rarely use pencil
-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? Great color but messy
-Do you use mineral makeup? Yes, love mineral makeup
-What is your favorite lipstick? Covergirl TruShine in 465 (not sure if this is still sold)
-How about lipgloss? Not big on lip gloss..prefer to use Rosebud Salve is I want a glossier look
-What is your favorite blush to use? MAC Blush in Gentle
-Do you buy your makeup on ebay? I have…wouldn’t really recommend it but do your research and you should be fine.
-Do you like drugstore makeup? Yes, they have some great, inexpensive makeup
-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets) I have but not frequently since I don’t live too close to one
-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes? Nope, but those sound like fun.
-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup? In the beginning, very. But now, I’ve gotten better…sorta…lol.
-Name a makeup crime that you hate? Too much, keep it simple!
-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones? Neutral ones, I’m a plain jane.
-Which celebrity always has great make up? Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, etc.
-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use? Blush
-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on? Yes
-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on? Yes, but not as good?
-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line? Benefit
-What do you think of Makeup? Can work wonders…(in moderation)
I tag you all! Let me know if you do it...I would love to see what your answers are!
Love & Beauty Nail Polish + Ramble
Just an update on my life...I'm back in the city and done with college! Yippeee! I'm really excited for the summer and the start of this next chapter in my life. I definitely have more free time now to blog so hopefully, you guys will be reading more of me in the near future. Let me know if you have any posts you want to see. Don't forget the Missiko giveaway...another 1+ week left. I also have a couple other giveaways lined up for the summer so look out for those. Hope everyone's having a great weekend and enjoying the amazzzzing weather!
Review: Wet n Wild Coloricon Palettes
As you can tell, I really liked the color payoff of "Lust" way better. The lighter colors from "Greed" barely showed up on my skin at all, though the black and shimmery gray weren't too shabby. With a bit of primer, these shadows could be great. For $4.99 a piece, they're definitely worth it for those who are just starting to use makeup, want to build up their collection, or just want to play around with some colors. I have yet to really test them so more updates to come on their lasting power. I will be doing some looks with these in the future, so look out for them. Let me know if you've tried these palettes and whether you like them or not!
P.S. Don't forget to enter my Missiko Hana Flat Iron Giveaway!
Havaianas @ Gilt Groupe!

Review: Misikko Hana Flat Iron + Giveaway!
- Advanced Tourmaline Ceramic Plates for Accelerated Ion Generation and Maximum
Frizz-Free, Conditioning Shine
- Ceramic is naturally hygienic, protects color & retards fading
- Floating 1” Plates Auto-Adjust To Glide Over Any Hair Texture
- Curved Plate Edges For Versatile Styling - Curl, Flip or Straighten!
- Adjustable Temperature Dial - 5 Settings from 140-450° F for All Hair Types
- Flash Heats in Seconds with Instant Compensation for Heat Loss
- Ergonomic Handle Design with No-Slip Grip
- Smooth Grooves Keep Hair Strands Separate and Snag-Free
- Tangle-Free Salon Quality Cord Swivels 360°; Convenient Hanging Loop
- Energy Efficient at 38 Watts
- Independent On/Off Switch
- Made in Korea
- Two Year Warranty
Now, on to the fun part, Misikko has graciously offered to give away the Hana 1" Flat Iron to one of my readers plus all the extra goodies I got as well (basically, everything pictured above minus me). Here's how to enter:
- Follow my blog (link located in the right sidebar)
- Leave a comment with your name and email address (please make sure you are logged in and use the same email as the one you used to follow this blog). And voila, you're entered!
- For an additional entry, you can do the following: (Please post your name and email in a separate comment)
- Post this on your blog or twitter (Include link in comment)
- Follow Misikko on Twitter (
- Join Misikko Newsletter on their website (you will get 3 additional entries for this but you only need to post one additional comment)
Note: The product mentioned above was given to me for review and the thoughts reflect my own personal opinions.